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Class Levels

Age Based Levels

At Shine Dance Society, we understand the importance of age-appropriate instruction and a supportive environment for our students to thrive. We cater our classes to four different age-based levels, to ensure our students receive the best possible experience at their respective ages. Here are our four levels and their respective age ranges:

Tiny Movers (Ages 3-5)

Our Tiny Movers program is specifically designed for our youngest students aged between 3-5 years. Children in this age group are full of energy and excitement, and our classes are created with that in mind. We focus on developing their creativity, balance, coordination, and movement in an interactive, playful environment that encourages confidence and an early love of dance.

Juniors (Ages 5-7)

Our Junior program is designed for children aged between 5-7 years. This level builds on the basics covered in our Tiny Movers program and introduces more structured classes with focused learning and learning choreography in different styles. Our classes aim to encourage artistic expression, self-discipline, physical awareness, and mind-body coordination and mindfulness.

Elementary (Ages 8-10)

Our Elementary program is tailored to children aged between 8-10 years. At this age, students are ready to begin refining their dance skills, increasing their strength, and building their artistic interpretation. Classes tend to be more structured however still have that focus on mindfulness and confidence building.

Seniors (Ages 11+)

Our Senior program is designed for students aged 11 years and above, including teenagers. Our classes incorporate multiple dance styles, including commercial, lyrical and hip hop. With an emphasis on developing confidence, strength, and self-expression, our Senior level offers opportunities for students to express themselves in safe and supportive space which feel is so important and beneficial for teenagers.

We believe that our four levels ensure that our students receive age-appropriate support and instruction as they progress through their dance and or singing journey with us at Shine Dance Society.

What Our Happy Customers Say

Thank you for creating such a fun and safe place for kiddies.
I will be telling everyone how amazing you are at teaching dance and also building relationships with kids.
You encourage every kid and help them all feel special and good at dancing. I am impressed you even remembered their names to single them out with praise.
I love how you had positive self affirmations and relaxation techniques at the start and end of the class. It is so great for their mental health too.
You are wonderful at what you do as you say keep shining.
Care free no pressure.